Root into the Earth.
Reach towards the Stars.
Dance In Your Fire.
Weave Your Own Transformations.
Live Your Empowered Purpose!
Experience Shamanic Healing!
Moon, Sun, Earth, Sky: Elemental Healing with the Earth Keepers is a guided Shamanic Journey audio that you can try on your own!

Hi! I'm Betti Rooted Lionheart.
I am passionate about working with Teens, Queer People, and anyone who feels despair for the Earth and Humanity.
My one-to-one Shamanic Healing sessions are profoundly healing and transformational!
And I teach Shamanic Journeying so that you are empowered to heal and transform yourself, and to remember your Power and Purpose, so that you can take aligned action in service of the Earth and All Life.

Shamanic Journeying is…
… the skill of allowing a piece of your Spirit to safely separate from your body to travel into the Spirit World. Here you meet with your Spirit Guides for the purposes of receiving guidance, healing, energy, transformative experiences, and unconditional love!
Shamanic Healing is Ancient and Universal...
The skill and Spiritual practice of Shamanic Journeying belongs to All Of Us! If you go far, far back in all of our ancestries, all Peoples practiced this deeply interconnected way of understanding the Planet, the Cosmos, Ourselves, and Each Other.
Our Spirit Guides are…
… those Spirit Beings who choose to partner with us to help us navigate our lives and our World. They can be Animals, Plants, Goddesses, Gods, Ancestors, and more! They love, protect, guide, and heal us. They help us live our best lives and make our biggest impact! We all have Spirit Guides, even if we don’t know them yet!
Is this You?
- Do you feel deeply for the Earth and all of Humanity?
- Do you want direct access to the Divine?
- Do you want to break free from patriarchal disempowerment?
- Do you want to Remember your Soul’s Purpose?
- Do you want to experience Exponential Leaps in Consciousness?
- Do you desire deep Connection to Others?

- Do you want to stop seeking permission outside of yourself to be who you are?
- Do you want to explore Earth and Goddess Centered Spirituality?
- Do you want to heal the patriarchal sexual trauma embedded in your body?
- Do you want to grow Inner Confidence and Courage?
- Do you want to heal Yourself and Our beautiful Planet?
- Do you want to Speak Your Truth and Manifest Your Vision?

Are You Ready To Create Your Own Transformations?
“Seek your joy, seek your healing, seek your whole self and you can transform your world in an instant. If we all did this, the world would transform in an instant. It is the transformation of your Heart, your one Heart, that changes the world. To love oneself, even one’s greatness and flaws, is the only way to a transformed Heart and a transformed Earth.”
– A Direct Teaching from the Egyptian Goddess Isis
Through Shamanic Journeying YOU Can…
Learn to Shamanic Journey and Connect with your Spirit Guides
When you step into Our Sacred Community and learn to Shamanic Journey with me, you will have New Eyes to see Your Beauty, know Your Truth, and enact Your Purpose.