
Sacral Transformations: Sacred Journeys into the Divine Dark

Hosted By Betti Rooted Lionheart

Betti intimately shares the details of her own Shamanic Journeys into the Divine Dark. She is living proof that ordinary people can have extraordinary experiences of healing connection to the Earth, the Cosmos, and the Spirits.


The Divine Dark is the primordial Womb of the Cosmos, the Spirit World, from which all of Life emerged. The Divine Dark also exists within us. It is our deepest inner place, often hidden from ourselves, where our Creativity, our Desires, and our Purpose reside. It is also the place where our traumas wait to be unearthed and healed.

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“In Journeying we are bending our Energetic Beings so we can do the deep work.” – Grandfather Sun

Grandfather Sun has shown Betti that when we Journey into the Spirit World, we Journey into the expanded space of the Cosmos such that we can access those deep seated, hidden, blocked, and wounded places within ourselves.


A major tool of patriarchal disempowerment was redefining the Dark as Evil. This misappropriation of the Dark, and all things Black, as evil is how the one male father god religions nearly destroyed all Earth and Goddess-centered Spiritualities worldwide.


Betti is passionate about loving and healing our beautiful Earth by reclaiming the Divine Dark through sharing Earth and Goddess-centered Shamanic Spiritual Practices.


Betti shares her Shamanic stories of healing, transformation, and empowered action to inspire your own healing journey. Her purpose in this life is to teach others how to Shamanic Journey and to create live-virtual and in-person Communities of Shamanic Practice.

A representation of Grandfather Sun

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